Tag Archives: Dry Skin

Skin Moisture IQ – Head to Toe Hydration

Nourishes dry, dehydrated skin from flaky scalps to dry elbows! Notice on the before and after, how the skin looks smooth, plumped and lifted with fewer fine lines and an even skin tone. Bring back your radiant glow. Dehydrated summer skin needs Skin Moisture IQ, a daily 5 capsule supplement from the Advanced Nutrition Programme. […]

Product Feature: Environ Body Oil

Can you relate to any of the images below? Crepey skin, Bumpy skin (Keratosis Pilaris), Flakey Dry skin? Environ Body Oil and Body Oil Forte (acclimatise your skin with at least 2 bottles of Body Oil first) can help. Skin on the body often feels dry in the winter owing to temperature changes and a […]

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